Blokus Battles
As promised, another clip of the week. I'm pretty proud I followed through and got this up. This is yet another example of how competitive we are about everything,
even board games. This video was taken right before Christmas 2011, and
the America's Cup crew had been at the OTC for almost a month. Lake Placid is not a large
town, and since many of us do not have vehicles there, we turn to
movies, board games, sitting in the cafeteria...anything to fill those
hours we're not sliding or training.
I was introduced to the game of Blokus by my cousin Mr. Ellis Vogt one Christmas. He is a master. Blokus is an abstract strategy game where up to 4 players try to place all 21 pieces of their designated color on the board. The game ends when players can no longer place any pieces on the board. The player with the fewest unplayed pieces wins.
Remember the good old days of Tetris? Now imagine 3 other people are playing Tetris on the same screen at the same time and you've got the premise of Blokus. One of the advantages (or disadvantages depending on who you play with) is that the blocks are not falling from the sky faster and faster until you can no longer keep up. You have plenty of time to strategize, but that can also mean your fellow competitors have an indefinite amount of time to ponder their next move. This particular game took quite some time, and I remember many rounds of the Jeopardy tune were hummed to pressure fellow competitors to make a move. In the end, Ms. Sineaid Corley prevailed, and I was there to witness her shining moment of victory.
On current topics, the FIBT released the preliminary schedule for next season. Should be another exciting adventure! Check back next week for another clip and any other tidbits I sprinkle in.
I was introduced to the game of Blokus by my cousin Mr. Ellis Vogt one Christmas. He is a master. Blokus is an abstract strategy game where up to 4 players try to place all 21 pieces of their designated color on the board. The game ends when players can no longer place any pieces on the board. The player with the fewest unplayed pieces wins.
Remember the good old days of Tetris? Now imagine 3 other people are playing Tetris on the same screen at the same time and you've got the premise of Blokus. One of the advantages (or disadvantages depending on who you play with) is that the blocks are not falling from the sky faster and faster until you can no longer keep up. You have plenty of time to strategize, but that can also mean your fellow competitors have an indefinite amount of time to ponder their next move. This particular game took quite some time, and I remember many rounds of the Jeopardy tune were hummed to pressure fellow competitors to make a move. In the end, Ms. Sineaid Corley prevailed, and I was there to witness her shining moment of victory.
On current topics, the FIBT released the preliminary schedule for next season. Should be another exciting adventure! Check back next week for another clip and any other tidbits I sprinkle in.