Day 3 at the OTC

Recap: (I'm liking the hitting the high points recap opener. I think I'll stick with that for the rest of the trip.)

1. Sleep in till 8. Nice!
2. Breakfast (I'd forgotten how much I like those big, flat McDonald's style hashbrowns and the greatness of living with a cafeteria where all the food is already prepared for you. Love it!)
3. Headed to the push track for about an hour session.
4. Lunch while watching some college football. I love fall and college football!
5. Chillaxing in the caf and my room.
6. Back to the push track.
7. Dinner
8. Hanging out
9. Sleep!

First day on the push track! A couple of us had already done a push track session, but most hadn't done it here. It was great hearing everyone's reactions as we sped down the crest those first few times. We had a few screamers. So funny! I guess I should better explain what the push track is. They take a bobsled and replace the ice runners with metal wheels and roll it onto roller coater style tracks. There is about 20 meters of flat track before it starts to dip down. Then you have to jump in before the hill starts to go back up and slow the sled down. The part where it starts going back up is called the compression. You physically can't run through it. You will crush your face because your body just can't handle going back uphill while you are springing down. The men's coach was telling us horror stories of peole who don't get in the sled and faceplant at the bottom. They were really messed up and couldn't move. So my new friend Britt has decided she wants to try it. She thinks if she builds her muscles up, she'll be able to handle it. Bwahaha! You won't really understand Britt until you watch this video. Everyone at the OTC has seen it now. They all know she's the skateboard crash girl.

Her mom was video taping this. That's Britt. Overall, she's just a crazy wild woman! She's a blast to be around, and you never know what she's going to say. She really needs people to follow her around with cameras at all times. I would watch her show!

I just uploaded a video of my best push of the day to my facebook account. Check it out if we're friends. I'll post it on here once I get back home. I even got a hi five from Coach for that one. We're learning fast, and I think we're doing alright. The national team girls were telling us they were impressed this afternoon at how well we were doing. That was a big emotional boost. Elana, Ingrid, Amanda, and Jenna Bree were helping to coach us this afternoon. Crazy cool! Then we were watching video back tonight of our pushes this afternoon and watching their faces in the background. They were ducking their heads at points, and we couldn't decide whether they were laughing or crying. Anyhow, we're progressing. That's whats important. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? That's my mantra.