6 Days!

6 days till the combine! And to answer the same questions everyone keeps asking:

Are you excited? YES!
Are you nervous? YES!
Are you ready? YES!
(Most excited kid EVER! I couldn't embed this video, but please click on the link and watch this. Makes me laugh every time. My excitement doesn't manifest itself quite like it did in this little boy, but inside I look like this.)

I'm feeling confident. And I have to say I'm enjoying the feeling. I've had a great week of training, setting several personal bests. I squatted 200 lbs on Tuesday. 200 lbs! Crazy! I power cleaned 171 lb. In the words of Ms. Christa Bowman, "That's like power cleaning myself!" I ran 17 mph for 6 seconds without any help. Let me just confirm that the treadmill was hummin! And I now have a 23.5" vertical. I'm feeling good and looking forward to Saturday. All this preparation is paying off.

If I need some more inspiration after those great videos last week, I'll just look at the Mavs. World Champions! That's right, Dallas won it all tonight. I'm highly impressed with these guys. It just goes to show that winning is all about heart and hard work. You don't have to have a team of headliners to win. Mavs coach Rick Carlisle said it very well tonight after the game. "It's not about what you can't do. It's about what you can do." I'm not a huge NBA fan, but these guys have earned my respect. I'll wrap this up with some highlights from the season, and Dirk slamming on the Heat. GO MAVS!