Olympic Spirit
I love this song! I get all excited every time I hear it. Thank you John Williams for composing it. It's a must for the workout playlist on my iPod. And thanks to Trisha Walker, it is also a ringtone on my phone. Thanks for being my Olympic comrade Trisha! In the words of Sanka, "I am feeling very Olympic today. How about you?" In this this spirit of Olympicism, (No, this isn't a real word. I just made it up.) I feel that this is a good week for an introduction to the winter Olympics and all they entail. If you are a sad, deprived person who knows nothing, then today is your lucky day. Get excited! And just so you know, if you watched the above video and did not realize these are all summer sports, then you definitely fit in the sad, deprived category. The most recent winter games took place in Vancouver, Canada, from February 12-28, 2010. The winter Olympics sports are divided into three main categories: (1) ice sports, (2) alpine, skiing and snowboarding event...