We Push Stuff

This YouTube video is pure genius! It's been on my favorites list for a few years now, and it makes me smile every time I watch.

I have met both of these men on tour and both went to the Vancouver and Sochi Olympics. They're great competitors and have been very successful. Here's a behind the scenes interview with them about why they made the video and the struggles we all face to find funding as Olympic athletes. It's the same for every country. Bobsled is an expensive sport with competitions held in ski resort towns across the world, so we're all on the lookout for sponsors or creative ways to find funding. If you have an brilliant ideas, please don't hesitate to share. I need all the help I can get.

And if that didn't make you smile, just watch this 80's inspired training montage the Canadian guys put together a few years back. I crack up every time. Plug's mullet and mustache are so wrong, and he had them on tour that entire season. As ridiculous as the guys are in this video, it's not that far off of how creative you have to get on tour to stay in shape when weight rooms or indoor facilities aren't available.

Just because we're occasionally (or more than occasionally) stressed about finding funding to keep our Olympic dreams alive doesn't mean we can't have some fun in the process. And I was serious about what I said. If you have a brilliant idea to garner attention and potential sponsorship, send it my way.