
Showing posts from May, 2015

Redefine Your Measure of Success

It's amazing how God uses the everyday things in your life to teach you when you stop to listen. I am training at a new gym with a whole new training philosophy and techniques. If you haven't read this blog before, I'll just clue you in that I'm a recovering perfectionist. It's not comfortable for me to do new things in public before I master them. Which is ridiculous, I know. Being in a new place with new people and new training techniques is challenging me for sure, but I'm loving it. I have been doing lots of exercises to max fatigue level (aka failure) the last 3 weeks. The point of this training block is hypertrophy. The medical definition is: the enlargement of tissue from increasing the size of the cells. Jonny's basic definition: We're ripping your muscles apart so there's room for them to grow. Sounds like fun right? (I'm learning all kinds of new words, and it's been fun hearing the reasons behind the exercises I'm enduring....

She's Back!

I recently had a discussion with my mom about my fluctuating emotional state that happens every year. She laughed at my dramatic reprise of how I feel every time one season of my life comes to an end. Imagine the "Whoa is me" look on my face and dramatic arm movements whilst I regale her with my emotional quandary. This is me. Every year. Without fail. Even when I know it's coming. It happens like this: (Summer) I love my life! I love my Texas friends! I love my gym! I love my church! I love my bed! I love my routine! I don't want to go back to bobsled and disrupt this life I'm loving. (First weeks of bobsled season) I don't like this. I'm uncomfortable. I'm surrounded by all these crazy, good athletes who intimidate me sometimes. I miss my friends, my church, my bed, my clothes, my kitchen. I want to go home. (End of bobsled season) I love bobsled! I love my bobsled friends! I love sliding! I love not really having a routine! I love competing! I...