It's Christmas!
Christmas has come again! I love this time of year. Tons of time with family, good food, and celebrating Jesus birth. Just ask any of the four year old's I've been teaching this month at church. What are we celebrating? JESUS BIRTHDAY! (This is said in a yell of course.) And why is Jesus special? HE'S GOD'S SON! I don't know what it is about being little and needing to yell answers, but it makes for some very entertaining Sunday school classes, especially when the answer is wrong. We had a cake this Sunday for Jesus' birthday celebration. We used it in our lesson, but it wasn't for the kids to eat. They were really disappointed about that one. We had other, less messy, snacks to celebrate, but no cake. There were some gloomy faces around the table before the cookies came out. So many good memories have been and will be made in these days surrounding Christmas. Hopefully the weather won't be as crazy as last year. I got snowed in at my grandparents hou...