
Showing posts from May, 2013


Crazy! That's what life has been like here in Dallas. Mom and Dad came for the weekend and our house is under construction. Adding piers to the foundation is quite a process, let me tell you. You know those movie scenes where the house gets demolished and everything is out of control. That's what our house is like, thus the late post. I haven't had internet. So, this is going to be a short one. Clip of the week: Eggsplosion Thanksgiving 2011 When the OTC is deserted for a holiday, crazy stuff goes down. I think there were only 10 people in the entire OTC for the week, and I was one of them. We had just gotten back from Canada and had another race in Lake Placid the next week. Since I was going home from Christmas in 3 weeks, I didn't head home. Greg, Chase, Mitch and myself were the only ones in the cafeteria that afternoon. We decided to test the theory that you can't crack an egg in the palm of your hand...with raw eggs. We asked the kitchen staff for 2 eggs,...