Bring It Back to America!

I'm back in America! Canada was fun, but I'm glad to be back in the good, old U-S-of-A. If you haven't kept up with my Twitter or Facebook updates, this will be quite the read for you. Break out the coffee now, cause this is long one. If you need a nap half way through, I'll completely understand. I was busy in Calgary, to say the least. I forgot to mention last post the sled debacle at the Canadian/US border. The 2 & 4-man sleds for USA 3 & 4 were shipped on an FIBT (The Federation Internationale de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganing) truck along with sleds from Lichtenstein and Korea. All the shipped sleds on tour are trucked together to each location. Each sled is packed in a crate (aka a big, heavy wooden box) and must have a carne (Yes, it is pronounced like carne asada steak). A carne is essentially a passport for everything in the crate to make it across international borders. The cost to ship a sled on America's Cup tour is approximately $90...