Old School
I'm a few days late on this week's post. Sorry about that. My Thanksgiving weekend was just so great that the blog got pushed back a few days. Sunday came and went, and I was enjoying a nice weekend with my family. This is a shout out to all my Fairview family and Micah, Leanne and Colin. I had a great time with everyone for the holiday. This is a collective thank you to all the Neufeld's that let us bring our friends and stay at your homes. And Brenda, if you're reading this, all my friends here were jealous when I told them about my weekend. The words "hick" or "redneck" weren't even mentioned. Even one of my trainers at Zoom wanted to visit. You know how to show people a good time with lots of good food surrounded by amazing family. Doesn't get any better than that! Here's a few pictures and some footage of this weekend.
I came home and had to have Katy saran wrap sandwich baggies full of ice to my legs (Trust me. That was funny to watch!), but I made it. She happened to be on Skype with her parents when I got back. I was telling Julie and David about it, and they were impressed. When I talked to them the next time, David said he had turned their treadmill up that high and was scared to even go near it. I can feel you on that one David! I try not to think about it before I hop on. In fact, I don't even look at how fast it's going until I'm done with the last one.
Welcome to Fairview, OK, and the Neufeld family!
That's Colin on a 4 wheeler to the right |
I had fun driving the LSV |
WARNING: If you get motion sickness really easily, I wouldn't recommend watching this video or riding an LSV in the hills. It was fun, but I wouldn't be surprised if Micah and I shook a few screws loose.
Micah showing us his mad skills
Good times!
Moving on to training...
I haven't talked about Zoom the last few weeks. It's been going really well. I've had several milestones.
1. I have now finished Round 1 of the sprint workouts. I have successfully completed all 12 sessions. They weren't all pretty, but I finished them all. I think I'm going to start it over again until I start going several days a week in March. John was telling me about a 30 something year old guy who did all 12 rounds in one day. SICK and WRONG! I honestly don't know how he survived. He was a college sprinter turned triathlete. John said he did the first 3 back to back. Then he started to slow down for the really tough 4-6 workouts. Rounds 7-9 went pretty well, and he started to pick up the pace. Then round 8 kicked his butt, and he was pretty slow finishing the rest. Still, he finished all 12 rounds in 6ish hours. It takes me 45 minutes to finish some of those! I just can't even imagine how horrible that must of been. I told John he never needs to worry about me wanting to try that.
2. My new sprinting record (dah, dah, dah) is 17 mph. I'm pretty proud of that one. I could get a speeding ticket at the airport if I zipped by that fast. Actually, their radar probably couldn't even detect me as I flew by faster than a speeding bullet. I'd be a blur on the camera. Haha.
3. I went to a non-sprinting session last Wednesday. It was my first one, and they didn't take it easy on me. I must have done somewhere close to 300 squats in some form or another. Jumping, single leg, with weights, on a box, and any other way you can think of. I was very sore until about Sunday. Just ask my family.
I'm talking it back to the old school
'Cause I'm an old fool who's so cool
'Cause I'm an old fool who's so cool
The real reason I decided to put up a post this week was because I happened upon these awesome, old school pictures when I was registering with the USBSF. They put up a "Blast From The Past" album, which I highly recommend viewing if you need a good laugh. I'm so glad we've moved on from the 80's/90's! If you haven't, well then I'm truly sorry for all the people you've been torturing with your wardrobe the last 10 years, but I guess you can just keep wearing it since it's all coming back in style (I do not recommend this, but unfortunately the fashion industry doesn't agree). Here are some of my favorites!
What are you wearing?!? |
No comment |
Digging the hat. Nice touch to the sweat suit. |
Bwahahahaha! |
Loving this outfit. It looks like he's wearing knee pads and a fanny pack over a wind suit. Classy! |
I hope you enjoyed this week's light reading. I know I tend to get a bit wordy with my sports posts, but I just can't help it. I have fun writing them, so that's all that really matters. This next week is going to be about Skeleton. I have to get boned up on it before I head out to Salt Lake next weekend for the World Cup event. So excited I can hardly wait!