Big or Small - Stick with It!
Oh my, how time has flown by. Fall is here and another bobsled season is on its way. I can't believe this will be the start of my 5th season on the bobsled team. Time has flown! I feels like yesterday that I took my first trip in a bobsled and went to driving school. I am now a veteran, which is a crazy concept to me. I feel like there's so much left to learn, so how could I be a veteran?! With each Olympic cycle, bobsled has a pretty high turnover rate, so anyone sticking around for more than four years is kind of rare from what I've gathered. Sorry I've been so bad about writing these last few months. I haven't been feeling creative, which is really rare for me. I've had my nose to the grindstone, which is a very strange and horrible sounding phrase now that I think about it. Between training and my engineering job, I've been busy, focused and hard at work. As I prepare for another season, I've been looking back on what I accomplished last year. ...