Fall Foliage Tour
I'm writing to you from snowy Utah. It's been quite a month, and I've seen more of the US than I can recall. I'm not even sure where to start. Mom and I drove out to Lake Placid at the end of September. It was a blasty, blast. We deemed it the Fall Foliage Tour. I drove up to Kansas after work on Thursday. Friday we made it to Columbus, Ohio. Kansas. Missouri. Illinois. Indiana. Ohio. What a day! Indiana. Perfect weather. Patio. College football. Salad. BBQ bacon burger. Key lime pie. Enough said. Saturday was an adventure. We made a side trip and dunked our toes in Lake Erie. You could tell we were the Midwesterners, as we were standing ankle deep in cold water in shorts and sweatshirts. Everyone else at the park was in shoes, pants and coats. It really wasn't chilly enough for all those clothes. We made a stop in Buffalo for supper with Linz and Zach. It was great to see them, check out their abode and eat at one of their favorite restaurants. We drove to ...